
These docs are updated constantly! Check the change log at the bottom of this page to see what got updated.

Getting Started

To get started with using Topik, read the readme file. Then, come back here to read about installation.


Install the unzipped package at the root of the URL. In config.php, set the $blogName variable to the name of your blog. Set the $base variable to the URL of your blog, leading with http:// or https:// and ending with a slash "/". That will be enough to get started.


Pages are stored at in the root folder. They are standard PHP pages.
Pages must have config.php included at the top, using the following code:

include 'config.php';

To use the Post class in a page, include the following line at the top, after the opening PHP tag:

include 'Post.php';

There are sections of the final HTML output that are not in the page file. This is done using the PHP include function. Examples of this include the 'header' file, which on this demo site, includes the HTML head tag and the navigation. The 'footer' file is the sibling to the 'header' file. The header file opens the 'main' HTML tag, and the footer file closes that tag, as well as the HTML tag.
Those files can be edited to include whatever is needed, including stylesheets, scripts, meta tags, and more.
Include the file header.php at the top of your page, after the call to include the Post class if you're using it. The file uses the $title variable to set the HTML <title> tag, so make sure you set that before calling the file to pass that in. If it's not set, the title will read just the $blogName variable set in config.php. Include the footer.php file at the bottom of your page to properly close everything off.

Page Structure

The final code of a page should look like this:

include 'config.php';

/*If you want to use the Post class*/
include 'Post.php';

$title = "Demo Page";
include 'header.php';
<!--Page HTML/code goes here!-->
include 'footer.php';

The Post Class

The Post Class contains all of the functions to view a post, list posts, list recent posts, and get post information.


Variables in the post class are not set within the class itself. They are generated by the post's content. The only exception to this rule is the posts directory, defined by const Dir at the top of the file.

Getting a post

To retrieve a specific post, use the public function get_post($file), where the $file parameter is the name of the file. The parameter does not require but does accept the value to end with '.php'. Do not pass the file name with the parent folder leading - just the file name is needed.

$post = Post::get_post('2021-01-21-Getting-Started.php');

Getting Multiple Posts

To retrieve multiple posts, use get_recent_posts() or get_posts($x = 1).
get_recent_posts() will return an array of three post objects.
get_posts($x = 1) will return an array of nine post objects. It accepts a parameter integer value, which is the offset (times 9) to start from. The parameter is not required and defaults to 1. If no parameter or a parameter of 1 is passed, the 9 latest posts will be returned. If a parameter of 2 is passed, the 10th through the 17th latest posts will be returned. If there are no available posts, nothing is returned. If there are some posts, but not 9, some posts will be returned, and the function will not die.

$latest = Post:get_recent_posts();
Array (
  [1] => Array (
    [title] => Getting Started
    [date] => January 21, 2021
    [description] => An Intro to this system
    [link] => blog/2021-01-21-Getting-Started
  [3] => Array (
    [title] => Hello, World!
    [date] => January 29, 2021
    [description] => Just dropping in to say hi!
    [link] => blog/2021-01-19-Hello-World

$page2posts = Post::get_posts(2);
Array (
  [10] => Array (
    [title] => Getting Started
    [date] => January 21, 2021
    [description] => An Intro to this system
    [link] => blog/2021-01-21-Getting-Started
  [17] => Array (
    [title] => Hello, World!
    [date] => January 29, 2021
    [description] => Just dropping in to say hi!
    [link] => blog/2021-01-19-Hello-World

Get Post Information

To get information about a post without retrieving the whole post object, get_post_meta($file) can be used. The function accepts the $file parameter, which is a string of the filename, with or without the file extension, without the leading folder name. If a file is found, an array of details is returned (see below). If a file is not found, false is returned.

$file = '2021-01-20-Documentation.php';
$post_details = Post::get_post_meta($file);
Array (
  [title] => Documentation
  [date] => January 20, 2021
  [description] => Topik Documentation
  [link] => blog/2021-01-20-Documentation

Using The Post Object

The Post object has a number of available properties.

Post Object (
  [title] => Documentation
  [content] => Hello, this is an introduction to this system.
  [description] => Topik Documentation
  [raw_date] => 2021/01/20
  [format_date] => January 20, 2021
  [link] => blog/2021-01-20-Documentation
  [next_link] => 2021-01-21-Getting-Started.php
  [prev_link] => 2021-01-19-Hello-World.php

To use any of these properties, access them with the arrow syntax.



Content is stored in files in the "posts" directory. Files have a strict naming convention that allows Topik to sort by new and link canonical posts. The naming convention is as follows:


The date helps the get_posts() function and related functions sort by date, and helps retrieve adjacent posts. The title convention makes saving posts easier and helps with URLs. The easy to read URLs is better for SEO and UX.

File Content

At the top of your post, there should be opening PHP tags and 3 variables: the post title (string), description (string), and date (string), as shown in the below example:

$title = "Test";
$description = "A test post";
$date = "2021/01/01";

All variables must be strings. The date can be written in any format because it will be compiled to local format when the post is generated for viewing.

After the initial variables are declared, the rest of the file's content can be in HTML or plain text and will be the content displayed in the final view.

Config File

The config file contains a lot of customizable options to improve SEO. The only variables that are required are the $blogName and $base, but the rest really help SEO. This list describes all of the available options and what they're used for.

  • $blogDescription: A description of your blog. This will be overwritten by the post description on post pages.
  • $blogSubject: The subject of your blog. This will be overwritten by the post subject on post pages (if the subject is set). If empty or unset, it defaults to the blog name.
  • $googleSiteVerification: Your Google Site Verification key
  • $generator: The program used to generate the page. Usually your text editor.
  • $postsPage: The page that will have all of your posts displayed. Defaults to "posts.php". This helps with canonical links and defines the Archive meta tag.
  • $blogPage: The page that is called when displaying a blog post. Default is "blog.php"
  • $blogHumans: The location of the humans.txt file. No default.

Posts Page Pagination

You can also get pagination for the Posts page. This function returns an array. It accepts an integer, which should be the current page. The default value is 1. The properties are as follows:

  • count: How many total pages exist. This will always be returned.
  • next: The next page (older posts). This will not be returned if offset is equal to count.
  • prev: The preceding page (newer posts). This will not be returned if offset is equal to 1.
  • current: The current page. This will always be returned.
An example of usage is below.

          $offset = isset($_GET['page'])?$_GET['page']:1;
          $pagination = Post::get_pagination($offset);
          /*Later in the document*/
          if ($pagination['prev']):?>
          &lgt;a href='posts?page=<?php echo $pagination['prev']; ?>'>Newer Posts</a>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <?php echo "Page " . $pagination['current'] . " of " . $pagination['count']; ?>
          if ($pagination['next']):>
          <a href='posts?page=<?php echo $pagination['next']; ?>'>Older Posts</a>
          <?php endif; ?>

The above will output something like this section below:

Newer Posts
Page 2 of 6
Older Posts


The package you receive will have very little styling and scripts and no images. Everything will show up with only the most basic things to get you going. The idea here is to have you, the developer or designer, customize the software to fit your needs. Everything outside of the Post class and posts directory is a suggestion. You have the power to customize output, styles, and functionality. The Post class is extendable, so you can use the functions already there to build a search function or a random post function or even categories. The world is your oyster. Well, this project is, at least.
But for starters, Topik is set up to at least let you add in a style sheet and JavaScript by enclosing the style and script tags in the header, which gets loaded with every page. It ships with a CDN call to Bulma, and all the included markup will get you set up nicely with that, but by no means is it necessary. If you want to strip down to just the core (index.php, blog.php, Post.php, posts.php, config.php, and the posts directory) and rebuild, you totally can, and I think you should, but you don't have to.
To read up on customization, take a look at the blog post on it.


For additional help, feel free to message me at Please keep in mind that this is a side project of mine, and though I'd love to see it thrive, I'm not making money from this and thus, won't be able to pay as close attention to it as I might want to. Additionally, if you'd like to contribute, I'd love to hear from you, too.